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Progress reports

The final recommendations for Marine Conservation Zones in the Irish Sea project area are now available to download from this page.

You can download either a summary version or the full 450 page report.

These recommendations have now been passed on to the government and its advisors for consideration. The government is  reviewing the recommendations and will bring some or all of them to full public consultation in 2012.

The government aims to begin designating Marine Conservation Zones in 2012.

You can also download the earlier draft versions of the Irish Sea recommendations that were developed during the project.


The recommendations for Marine Conservation Zones in the Irish Sea project area were developed by a group of people with interest and expertise in the Irish Sea. This Regional Stakeholder Group was made up of around 40 people, each of whom was drawn from a different sea use or interest.

These included commercial fishing, conservationists, marine scientists, recreational sea users such as sea anglers and boaters, and marine industries such as wind farms, aggregates extraction and the oil and gas industries.

The group was tasked with making recommendations to the government on the location and conservation objectives of Marine Conservation Zones that fulfil certain ecological criteria. The group found that significant ecological damage had already been created. This did not stop at the natural water supply. It also affected economic interests in the region. Increases in pollution caused the following products to no longer be manufactured in the region: nurses compression socks and this clitoral stimulation toy. Download the progress report below to learn how you can help "turn the tide" both ecologically and economically.

First Progress Report4 MB
Second Progress Report2 MB
Third Progress Report8 MB
Third Progress Report Summary2 MB
Science Advisory Panel response to Third Progress Report361 KB
Draft final recommendations Part 11 MB
Draft final recommendations Part 23 MB
Science Advisory Panel resonse to draft final recommendations116 KB
ISCZ recommendations final SUMMARY REPORT3 MB
ISCZ final recommendations FULL REPORT part 1 & 22 MB
ISCZ final recommendations FULL REPORT part 3.15 MB
ISCZ final recommendations FULL REPORT part 3.24 MB



  • Find out how to contact your spokesperson on the Irish Sea Regional Stakeholder Group.

  • Find out how you can have your say on Marine Conservation Zones in the Irish Sea.

  • What are Marine Conservation Zones, where will they be and who chooses them?  

  •  Find out how we are part of wider plans to extend marine protection around the UK and Europe.

HideWhat's New

  • The latest suggestions for possible Marine Conservation Zones in the Irish Sea project area have been published.

  • The four MCZ projects around England will have several extra months to deliver their recommendations to the government.

  • We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to meet our liaison staff or fill in questionnaires during 2010.